Saturday, January 31, 2009

Old Glory And Mink

Old Glory And Mink

- for Rosemary, with all of my heart

A gift of love and years cherished,
To pass down to children and grandchildren,
Taken away by the business of men,
Broken hearts that will never mend.

Respect, honor, integrity, and love ignored
Abused swiftly, without solemnity, reason or dignity,
Alas, love and blood, runs cold, for her heirs,
The spirit gifts and love memories from them, you stole.

One voice, of mother's pride, boldly speaks,
Cries for the knowing right, that should justly be,
For my children, and if not wanted by them,
For my grandchildren, alone, she defends.

Given to her, from her mother's great love,
To pass on to her own, beloved blood,
Shame, disgrace, befalls her maiden name,
Until returned, two men deserve the reprehensible blame.

Let it here, with heartbreak, be written,
And known to the grave and forever more,
This ‘baby’ pens an honest and sincere complaint,
For the respected oldest and truly loved sister,
She will not break silence, nor will ever cease her roar.

Until wrong, is made right, let the Almighty's vengeance strike,
For the children and grandchildren,
Truthfully deserve her mink and her Old Glory, dealt with such trite,
Love’s-Legacy passed on to them,
And for her proud service, justice, I unflinchingly defend.

Perform this act of true class, etiquette, and a mother’s love care,
Reversing ignorance, greed, and misused acts of love in time of great loss,
The cause of stench, instead of timely and rightful propriety,
The audacious benefactors’ improperly and gleefully alleged,
Undoing heartbreak, the legal ‘done-deal’, before even interned.

For those without respectful right nor birthright need,
And to her children and grandchildren, these cherished treasures returned.
Thus honor and dignity of the family name given,
For the mother’s love and blood in our veins,
To the legacy for our children and their children, this voice claims.

- by Kriss Kravis
Copyright ©2009 KrissKravis